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Kazan Cathedral or Kazanskiy Kafedralniy Sobor — the construction was started in 1801 and continued for ten years (supervised by Alexander Sergeyevich Stroganov). Upon its completion the new temple replaced the Church of Nativity of the Theotokos, which was disassembled when the Kazan Cathedral was consecrated.


It was modelled by Andrey Voronikhin after St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. Some art historians assert that Emperor Paul intended to build a similar church on the other side of Nevsky Prospect that would mirror the Kazan Cathedral but his plans failed to materialize. Although the Russian Orthodox Church strongly disapproved of the plans to create a replica of a Catholic basilica in Russia's then capital, several courtiers supported Voronikhin's Empire Style design.


After Napoleon invaded Russia in 1812, and the commander-in-chief Mikhail Kutuzov asked Our Lady of Kazan for help, the church's purpose was to be altered. The Patriotic War over, the cathedral was perceived primarily as a memorial to the Russian victory against Napoleon. Kutuzov himself was interred in the cathedral in 1813; and Alexander Pushkin wrote celebrated lines meditating over his sepulchre. In 1815, keys to seventeen cities and eight fortresses were brought by the victorious Russian army from Europe and placed in the cathedral's sacristy. In 1837, Boris Orlovsky designed two bronze statues of Kutuzov and Barclay de Tolly in front of the cathedral.


In 1876, the Kazan demonstration, the first political demonstration in Russia, took place in front of the church. After the Russian Revolution of 1917, the cathedral was closed. In 1932 it was reopened as the pro-Marxist "Museum of the History of Religion and Atheism." Services were resumed in 1992, and four years later the cathedral was returned to the Russian Orthodox Church. Now it is the mother cathedral of the metropolis of St. Petersburg.

Kazan Cathedral

Казанский кафедральный собор (Собор Казанской иконы Божией Матери) — один из крупнейших храмов Санкт-Петербурга, выполненный в стиле ампир.


Построен на Невском проспекте в 1801—1811 годах архитектором А. Н. Воронихиным для хранения  чудотворной иконы Божией Матери Казанской. После Отечественной войны 1812 года приобрел значение памятника русской воинской славы. В 1813 году здесь был похоронен полководец М.И Кутузов и помещены ключи от взятых городов и другие военные трофеи.


В 1932 году превращен в Музей истории религии и атеизма, с 1991 года действующий храм несколько лет сосуществовал с экспозицией музея.


С 2000 года — кафедральный собор Санкт-Петербургской епархии Русской Православной Церкви.


Собор дал название Казанской улице, Казанскому острову в дельте Невы и Казанскому мосту на пересечении Невского проспекта и канала Грибоедова.

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