В основе классицизма лежат идеи рационализма, которые формировались одновременно с идеями Декарта. Художественное произведение, с точки зрения классицизма, должно строиться на основании строгих канонов, тем самым обнаруживая стройность и логичность самого мироздания. Интерес для классицизма представляет только вечное, неизменное — в каждом явлении он стремится распознать только существенные, типологические черты, отбрасывая случайные и индивидуальные.
Эстетика классицизма придаёт огромное значение общественно-воспитательной функции искусства. Многие правила и каноны классицизм берет из античного искусства (Аристотель, Гораций).
Главной чертой архитектуры классицизма было обращение к формам античного зодчества как к эталону гармонии, простоты, строгости и логической ясности.
Архитектуре классицизма в целом присуща регулярность планировки и четкость объемной формы. Основой архитектурного языка классицизма стал ордер, в пропорциях и формах близкий к античности: Древние Греция и Рим, Византия.. Для классицизма свойственны симметрично-осевые композиции, сдержанность, регулярная система планировки городов.
Эстетика классицизма благоприятствовала масштабным градостроительным проектам и приводила к упорядочиванию застройки в масштабах целых мегаполисов. В России практически все губернские и многие уездные города были перепланированы в соответствии с принципами классицистического рационализма. В подлинные музеи классицизма под открытым небом превратились такие города, как Санкт-Петербург, Хельсинки, Варшава, Дублин,Эдинбург и ряд других. На всём пространстве от Минусинска до Филадельфии господствовал единый архитектурный язык, восходящий к Палладио. Рядовая застройка осуществлялась в соответствии с альбомами типовых проектов.
Особенностью русского классицизма в архитектуре стало эклектическое сочетание в одном произведении разностилевых элементов, отход от жёстко регламентированных приёмов и форм стиля.
В раннем русском классицизме (1760—1770) ещё сохранялась пластика и динамика барокко и рококо, в эпоху зрелого классицизма (1770—1790) появились классические типы дворца-усадьбы и крупного жилого дома, ставшие образцами строительства загородных дворянских усадеб и парадной застройки городов. К раннему периоду относят архитекторов Ж. Б. Валлен Деламота, А. Ф. Кокоринова, Ю. М. Фельтена, К. И. Бланка, А. Ринальди. Архитекторы зрелой пор — В. И. Баженов, М. Ф. Казаков, И. Е. Старов.
Classicism in architecture
![Nikolo-Prozorovskoe estate](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/57e065_71280b735db62e6cdf585a249536c128.jpg/v1/fill/w_800,h_533,al_c,q_85,enc_avif,quality_auto/57e065_71280b735db62e6cdf585a249536c128.jpg)
St. Nicholas Church
![Armenian Church of Saint Katarina](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/57e065_860e5a541bf84ccbbc12434c16ee736a.jpg/v1/fill/w_554,h_800,al_c,q_85,enc_avif,quality_auto/57e065_860e5a541bf84ccbbc12434c16ee736a.jpg)
This church was built by the architect Felten
![Podiachevo Estate](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/57e065_4138c4e194e94e31899a009b5af8f93b.jpg/v1/fill/w_800,h_500,al_c,q_85,enc_avif,quality_auto/57e065_4138c4e194e94e31899a009b5af8f93b.jpg)
St. Nicholas Church (1794) was built in forms typical for early classicism.
![Podiachevo Estate](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/57e065_ab1790d0de654f1c818a80bf7677fd39.jpg/v1/fill/w_800,h_533,al_c,q_85,enc_avif,quality_auto/57e065_ab1790d0de654f1c818a80bf7677fd39.jpg)
![Podiachevo Estate](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/57e065_c92ca61f06b24d3db9d19af31be75578.jpg/v1/fill/w_800,h_467,al_c,q_85,enc_avif,quality_auto/57e065_c92ca61f06b24d3db9d19af31be75578.jpg)
![Yaropolets (estate of Goncharov)](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/57e065_19d66616e006743af460dd67bdffc6fe.jpg/v1/fill/w_800,h_506,al_c,q_85,enc_avif,quality_auto/57e065_19d66616e006743af460dd67bdffc6fe.jpg)
The strict classicism forms dominating in the architecture of the homestead are successfully supplemented by some pseudo-gothic motives.
![Yaropolets (estate of Goncharov)](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/57e065_5f41b3a77fc0444226e8729a7481d541.jpg/v1/fill/w_800,h_439,al_c,q_80,enc_avif,quality_auto/57e065_5f41b3a77fc0444226e8729a7481d541.jpg)
The strict classicism forms dominating in the architecture of the homestead are successfully supplemented by some pseudo-gothic motives.
![Yaropolets (estate of Goncharov)](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/57e065_800b4a3186f4fa638ea636a110854da0.jpg/v1/fill/w_800,h_438,al_c,q_80,enc_avif,quality_auto/57e065_800b4a3186f4fa638ea636a110854da0.jpg)
The strict classicism forms dominating in the architecture of the homestead are successfully supplemented by some pseudo-gothic motives.
Spassky Church (of Our Savior) is a rotunda building with two bell-towers in classicism style. It was built in 1777—1782. Because of creative design and craftsmanship of the project of the church is ascribed to V. Bazhenov. However, Blank was more likely the architect of this church.
![Yaropolets (estate of Chernyshovs)](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/57e065_e6055a813a3ccc5521eb4b63db5fa890.jpg/v1/fill/w_800,h_503,al_c,q_85,enc_avif,quality_auto/57e065_e6055a813a3ccc5521eb4b63db5fa890.jpg)
Kazanskaya church is an original composition of the building with two domes designed in the style of classicism which was constructed on the site of the previous church. Tradition connects the building with the name of the architect M. F. Kazakov.
![Grebnevo estate](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/57e065_87088bdcc660bab766ae33922402ddbe.jpg/v1/fill/w_674,h_800,al_c,q_85,enc_avif,quality_auto/57e065_87088bdcc660bab766ae33922402ddbe.jpg)
![Ostafyevo Estate](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/57e065_17f4ee66502b40ce97d11f1930eb9961.jpg/v1/fill/w_800,h_472,al_c,q_85,enc_avif,quality_auto/57e065_17f4ee66502b40ce97d11f1930eb9961.jpg)
![Monastery of St. Jacob Saviour](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/57e065_fa6cb64cdb134911a2c4e3c34d3ee6c5.jpg/v1/fill/w_980,h_1357,al_c,q_85,enc_avif,quality_auto/57e065_fa6cb64cdb134911a2c4e3c34d3ee6c5.jpg)
It was founded in 1389 by Rostov Episkop St. Jacob. Locale Dimitriev Cathedral was built in 1795—1801 in the style of classicism according to the project Moscow architect Sheremetev and serf architects Mironov and Dushkin.
Classical architecture usually denotes architecture which is more or less consciously derived from the principles of Greek and Roman architecture of classical antiquity, or sometimes even more specifically, from the works of Vitruvius. Different styles of classical architecture have arguably existed since the Carolingian Renaissance, and prominently since the Italian Renaissance. Although classical styles of architecture can vary greatly, they can in general all be said to draw on a common "vocabulary" of decorative and constructive elements. With the collapse of the western part of the Roman empire, the architectural traditions of the Roman empire ceased to be practised in large parts of western Europe. In the Byzantine Empire, the ancient ways of building lived on but relatively soon developed into a distinct Byzantine style.The first conscious efforts to bring back the disused language of form of classical antiquity into Western architecture can be traced to the Carolingian Renaissance of the late 8th and 9th centuries. The gatehouse of Lorsch Abbey (c. 800), in present-day Germany thus displays a system of alternating attached columns and arches which could be an almost direct paraphrase of e.g., that of the Colosseum in Rome. Byzantine architecture, just as Romanesque and even to some extent Gothic architecture (with which classical architecture is often juxtaposed), can also incorporate classical elements and details but do not to the same degree reflect a conscious effort to draw upon the architectural traditions of antiquity; for example, they do not observe the idea of a systematic order of proportions for pillars. In general, therefore, they are not considered classical architectural styles in a strict sense.
The term "classical architecture" also applies to any mode of architecture that has evolved to a highly refined state, such as classical Chinese architecture, or classical Mayan architecture. It can also refer to any architecture that employs classical aesthetic philosophy.
Classicism is a force which is often present in post-medieval European and European influenced traditions; however, some periods felt themselves more connected to the classical ideals than others, particularly the Age of Enlightenment.
Classicism style quickly spread to other Italian cities and then to France, Germany, England, Russia and elsewhere.
In 1712, Peter I of Russia moved the capital from Moscow to St Petersburg, which he planned to design in the Dutch style usually called Petrine baroque. Its major monuments include the Peter and Paul Cathedral and Menshikov Palace.
Catherine the Great dismissed architects of baroque and patronized classical architects invited from Scotland and Italy. Some representative buildings from her reign are the Alexander Palace (by Giacomo Quarenghi) and the Trinity Cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra (by Ivan Starov).
The development of classicism from the mid-18th-century onwards called Neoclassical.
![Yaropolets (estate of Chernyshovs)](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/57e065_d571d7ddb8c56d3f2e17654a5cab1aee.jpg/v1/fill/w_800,h_603,al_c,q_85,enc_avif,quality_auto/57e065_d571d7ddb8c56d3f2e17654a5cab1aee.jpg)
In his nobleman residence the two-storey palace was built in the early classicism style with the motives of the French rococo and the household buildings.