Петер Беренс (нем. Peter Behrens; 14 апреля 1868, Гамбург — 27 февраля 1940, Берлин) — один из основоположников современной промышленной архитектуры и дизайна.
Петер Беренс известен, в первую очередь, как архитектор. Вместе с тем он с успехом подвигался на поприще художника, графика, иллюстратора книг и разработчика шрифтов, что сделало его одним из самых известных представителей стиля Модерн (в Германии — Югендстиль).
Пройдя обучение в Карлсруэ и Дюссельдорфе, Беренс в 1891—1899 гг. обосновался в Мюнхене, где влился в ряды Сецессиона. Его произведения тех лет тяготеют к Югендстилю, композиционно сохраняя при этом геометрическую чёткость. В 1901 г. спроектировал собственный дом в Дармштадтской художественной колонии, вместе со всей мебелью и аксессуарами.
В 1903 году он становится директором Художественно-промышленной школы в Дюссельдорфе, занимал эту должность до 1907 года.
В 1907 г. Беренс принял предложение стать советником концерна «AEG» и впервые в истории провёл его полный «ребрендинг», спроектировав в едином стиле не только заводские и офисные здания, но и точки розничной продажи, офисную мебель, рекламные щиты, продукцию (фены, вентиляторы), упаковку и проч. Стоял у истоков Немецкого Веркбунда, отстаивая принципы функционализма, а также использование современных материалов — стекла и стали.
В его мастерской делали первые шаги такие архитекторы-модернисты, как Ле Корбюзье, Вальтер Гропиус, Мис ван дер Роэ.
В 1911—12 гг. Беренс спроектировал один из ключевых памятников европейского неоклассицизма — здание посольства Германии на Исаакиевской площади в Петербурге.
Упрощённые, лишённые классического декора колонны, казалось, провозглашали брутальную мощь Германской империи. Особенно чётко эта идея была выражена скульптурной группой Диоскуров и двух лошадей, которой сейчас не хватает для завершения выражения художественного замысла автора. Она была сброшена шовинистически настроенной толпой после начала Первой мировой войны.
Немецкое посольство в Петербурге — прототип той архитектуры, которая получила развитие при тоталитарных режимах СССР и Германии в 30-е годы XX века.
Behrens Peter
Behrens attended the Christianeum Hamburg from September 1877 until Easter 1882. He studied painting in his native Hamburg, as well as in Düsseldorf and Karlsruhe, from 1886 to 1889. In 1890, he married Lilly Kramer and moved to Munich. At first, he worked as a painter, illustrator and book-binder in a sort of artisanal way. He frequented the bohemian circles and was interested in subjects related to the reform of life-styles. In 1899 Behrens accepted the invitation of the Grand-duke Ernst-Ludwig of Hesse to be the second member of his recently inaugurated Darmstadt Artists' Colony, where Behrens built his own house and fully conceived everything inside the house (furniture, towels, paintings, pottery, etc.) The building of this house is considered to be the turning point in his life, when he left the artistic circles of Munich and moved away from the Jugendstil towards a sober and austere style of design.
He was one of the leaders of architectural reform at the turn of the century and was a major designer of factories and office buildings in brick, steel and glass. In 1903, Behrens was named director of the Kunstgewerbeschule in Düsseldorf, where he implemented successful reforms. In 1907, Behrens and ten other people (Hermann Muthesius, Theodor Fischer, Josef Hoffmann, Joseph Maria Olbrich, Bruno Paul, Richard Riemerschmid, Fritz Schumacher, among others), plus twelve companies, gathered to create the German Werkbund. As an organization, it was clearly indebted to the principles and priorities of the Arts and Crafts movement, but with a decidedly modern twist. Members of the Werkbund were focused on improving the overall level of taste in Germany by improving the design of everyday objects and products. This very practical aspect made it an extremely influential organization among industrialists, public policy experts, designers, investors, critics and academics. Behrens' work for AEG was the first large-scale demonstration of the viability and vitality of the Werkbund's initiatives and objectives.
In 1907, AEG (Allgemeine Elektrizitäts-Gesellschaft) retained Behrens as artistic consultant. He designed the entire corporate identity (logotype, product design, publicity, etc.) and for that he is considered the first industrial designer in history. Peter Behrens was never an employee for AEG, but worked in the capacity of artistic consultant. In 1910, Behrens designed the AEG Turbine Factory. From 1907 to 1912, he had students and assistants, and among them were Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Le Corbusier, Adolf Meyer, Jean Kramer and Walter Gropius (later to become the first director of the Bauhaus). From 1920 and 1924, he was responsible for the design and construction of the Technical Administration Building (Technische Verwaltungsgebäude) of Hoechst AG in Höchst. In 1922, he accepted an invitation to teach at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Peter Behrens remained head of the Department of Architecture at the Prussian Academy of Arts in Berlin. In 1926, Behrens was commissioned by the Englishman Wenman Joseph Bassett-Lowke to design him a family home in Northampton, UK. The house, named 'New Ways' is often regarded as the first modernist house in Britain.
In 1911-1913 Behrens redesigned the building of Embassy of Germany in Saint Petersburg in Neoclassical style, as a grandiose monument the power of a unified Germany.
In 1936 Behrens was called from Vienna to conduct a Master class in architecture, in succession to Hans Poelzig, at the Prussian Academy of Arts (now the Akademie der Künste) in Berlin, reportedly with the specific approval of Hitler. Behrens became associated with Hitler's urbanistic dreams for Berlin with the commission for the new head quarters of the AEG on Albert Speer's famous planned north-south axis. Speer reported that his selection of Behrens for this commission was rejected by the powerful Alfred Rosenberg, but that his decision was supported by Hitler who admired Behrens's Saint Petersburg Embassy. Behrens and the academy helped his cause by reporting to the Ministry that Behrens had joined the then illegal Nazi party in Austria on May Day of 1934. The vast AEG building with its marshalled fenestrations and detailing, like the project of which it was a part, was not built. Behrens died in Hotel Bristol in Berlin on 27 February 1940, while seeking refuge there from the cold of his country estate.
Peter Behrens was a pioneer in everything he did in the first half of the 20th century and his ideas were spread around the world by his students, especially by Walter Gropius, Mies van der Rohe and Le Corbusier. The creation of the concept of corporate identity had a direct influence in other post WWII companies such as Braun (company) or McDonald's. Peter Behrens is also responsible for German Modernism. He is seen as an important aspect in the transition from Jugendstil, which is similar to Art Nouveau to industrial Classicism, which is incorporating ancient Greek or Roman style to a structure.
![German consulate in St. Petersburg](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/57e065_bc187a9a3d3c415bac546507e7dda946.jpg/v1/fill/w_960,h_732,al_c,q_85,enc_avif,quality_auto/57e065_bc187a9a3d3c415bac546507e7dda946.jpg)
In 1911-1913 the building was redesigned in Neoclassical style by German architect Peter Behrens, as a grandiose monument the power of a unified Germany.
![German consulate in St. Petersburg](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/57e065_79e7d9ba83b942048378c52d6f6779b8.jpg/v1/fill/w_519,h_800,al_c,q_85,enc_avif,quality_auto/57e065_79e7d9ba83b942048378c52d6f6779b8.jpg)
In 1911-1913 the building was redesigned in Neoclassical style by German architect Peter Behrens, as a grandiose monument the power of a unified Germany.