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В 1869 году на месте бывшего форбурга (предзамкового укрепления) Герман Леопольд фон Шрёттер построил усадьбу в стиле позднего классицизма.

Имение Капкай располагалось на территории правительственного округа Кёнигсберг, крайса (района) Велау (Знаменск). Имение Капкайм известно ещё с орденских времен, в XIV веке,

It is the Castle of the Teutonic Order in the village Ushakovo, which was called Brandenburg up to 1946. It is believed that the year of the foundation of the castle is 1266.

Zaraisk Kremlin is built of white ashlar limestone and red brick. Out of seven towers four are corner ones and three are gate towers. The north-west corner tower of Zaraisk Kremlin is the tallest. The twelve-sided corner towers are about 10 meters in diameter on the outside and 12-14 meters high if measured up to the top of the masonry.

Castle of the Teutonic Knights was built from 1239 for control naval traffic on the Vistula Lagoon. In 1242 Balga became the residence of the Order. From 1250 Balga was the administrative centre and the seat of a Komtur of the Teutonic Knights, like Winrich von Kniprode or Ulrich von Jungingen (later the Grand Master).

The Königsberg Castle - castle of the Teutonic Order in Königsberg (Kaliningrad), also the Royal Castle was founded in 1255 by Czech King Ottokar II Przemyslaw.

Schaaken castle - castle of the Teutonic Order. Located near Kaliningrad (Königsberg). Schaaken was not injured in the Great Patriotic War. Since the end of 1945 in the castle was a shelter for German orphans, which lasted until 1947.

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