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Сhurches and Monasteries

Dormition Cathedral in Vladimirused to be a mother church of medieval Russia in the 13th and 14th centuries. It is part of the World Heritage Site entitled White Monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal.

Although the Russian Orthodox Church strongly disapproved of the plans to create a replica of a Catholic basilica in Russia's then capital, several courtiers supported Voronikhin's Empire Style design.

The Kreuzkirche is a church in the former city district of Lomse in Königsberg, Germany, now Kaliningrad, Russia.


The architectural style of the building as a whole can be attributed to late-modern, with elements of neoclassicism.

St. Adalbert's Church, Königsberg

 Construction of a small Neo-Gothic chapel on Lawsker Allee began on 16 July 1902 according to plans by Friedrich Heitmann

Monastery of St. Jacob Saviour It was founded in 1389 by Rostov Episkop St. Jacob.

The Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood (1883—1907) is one of the main sights of St. Petersburg, Russia. It is also variously called the Church on Spilt Blood  and the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ  its official name.

Medvedeva hermitage (Вear’s hermitage) is a small ensemble of strict architecture, located in a place called the hermitage, where the Yakhroma River flows into the Sister River. 

It was founded on May 31 (June 10), 1515 by Reverend David. The first wooden buildings were constructed at that time: cells, two churches and a refectory. At the time of Ivan the Terrible the construction of the first stone church of the monastery was started to commemorate the Ascension of the Lord, but for quite a long time it remained unfinished.

Danilov Monastery was founded at the end of the 13th century by Prince Daniil of Moscow. The Holy Fathers of the Seven Ecumenical Councils Church (17—19th century) was renovated in the 1970—1980s and re-consecrated in 1988.

The ensemble in Korovniki is a gem of Yaroslavl’s architecture. It consists of two churches: St. Vladimir Church (warm) and St. John Chrysostom (cold), a bell tower, and Sacred Gates. The construction of the churches lasted over several decades. The first church of the ensemble was founded in 1649. It was a church dedicated to St. John Chrysostom, and the construction was sponsored by Fedor and Ivan Nezhdanovskiy. They are both buried in this church now, in the southern aisle. The construction was completed in 1654.

Недействующий монастырь Русской православной церкви, расположен в селе ИльинскоеКалужской области

The monastery was founded in 1656 by Patriarch Nikon, who wanted to create a complex of sacred Palestinian spots on the outskirts of Moscow.

Первая церковь была заложена на этом месте 14 августа 1894 года в «память бракосочетания Их Величеств» Обществом распространения религиозно-нравственного просвещения. Этот временный храм был перенесённой деревянной церковью с Николаевской улицы и собран под руководством С. П. и В. П. Кондратьевых.

Церковь Александра Невского, построенная в готическом стиле. Место для будущей домашней молельни в западной части Александрии выбрал сам Николай I.

Старинное село Драчево Троице-Сергиева монастыря первоначально называлось Грачевым на речке Черной Грязи. Здесь еще в XV столетии существовал деревянный храм во имя Трех Святителей - Василия Великого, Григория Богослова и Иоанна Златоуста. Каменная трехпрестольная церковь во имя Святой Живоначальной Троицы была построена на месте сгоревшего  проект 1899 г. архитектора Н. Д. Иванова.

It is the largest Russian Orthodoxcathedral (sobor) in Saint Petersburg. It is dedicated to Saint Isaac of Dalmatia, a patron saint of Peter the Great, who had been born on the feast day of that saint.

Roman Catholic Church of St. Petersburg, one of the oldest in Russia. The building has the shape of a Latin cross, with transept cross, topped by a large sphere.

One-domed church with poschiptsovym completion facades built in eclectic style in the spirit of Novgorod architecture architect A. F. Meissner in 1898. The side chapels of St. Nicholas and Theodosius of Chernigov. Closed in 1937, the bell tower is broken. Opened in 1991 and renovated.

Автор проекта – архитектор Лаунир (Launir). Здание заложено 23 августа 1896 года, освящено как лютеранская кирха 5 ноября 1897 года. В советский период здесь располагался городской спортзал. Теперь здание принадлежит РПЦ и является православным храмом под названием «Спасо-Преображенский собор».

Бывшая орденская католическая, затем евангелическа прииходская церковь Девы Марии в районе Кёнигсберга, построена в 1276-1288 годах. Наиболее достоверная версия происхождение слова «Юдиттен»  представляется «поселение племени юд». Другая версия говорит о том, что название произошло от имени прусса Юдетуса (или Юдо), которому в 1288 году ландмейстер Майнхард фон Кверфурт пожаловал земли в этом районе.

Novotorzhsky Boris and Gleb Monastery is one of the oldest Russian Orthodox monasteries. It was founded by St. Ephrem in 1038, during the reign of the Grand Duke of Kiev Yaroslav I.

The policy of the epoch of classicism, proclaiming the idea of the national scale, was embodied in the creation of monuments, which should reflect in themselves and perpetuate to the "descendants edification" the major achievements and victories of the Russian state.

Vvedensky Island Convent is an Orthodox nunnery, though it used to be a monastery. It belongs to Alexander eparchy of the Russian Orthodox Church. It is located on an island in the middle of Vyatskoye Lake (Vvedenskoe Lake).

Borovsky monastery founded by St. Paphnutius of Borovsk in 1444 on a beautiful high bank where the Istrema River flows into the Protva River. Upon the death of St. Paphnutius, his follower St. Joseph Volotsky became the hegumen of the monastery. Shortly after he introduced a strict monastic charter, which was rejected by the monks, he had to leave.

The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl River is a white stone church in Vladimir Oblast, Russia, around 1.5 km from Bogolyubov. It is an outstanding architectural monument of Vladimir-Suzdal school.

It is an orthodox monastery, which was founded in 1361 by Methodius, the follower of St. Sergius of Radonezh.

Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception

The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Holy Virgin Mary is a neo-Gothic church and the biggest Roman Catholic cathedral in Moscow. It was built in 1901-1911 by architect Tomasz Bohdanowicz-Dworzecki. The fence around the cathedral was erected as per the project of architect Leon Dauksha.

The convent is located at a curve of the Moskva River, near Luzhniki. It operates as a cloister as well as serves a part of the State Historical Museum. This is a convent of the Russian Orthodox Church in Moscow. The Novodevichy Convent was founded in 1524 by Grand Prince Vasili III in dedication to the icon Our Lady of Smolensk.

New Altstadt Church (Neue Altstädtische Kirche) in Königsberg (Kaliningrad) was built in 1845 by an architect Karl Friedrich Schinkel. It was copmleted in English neo-Gothic style. The building had a non-traditional form a graded diamond with many counterforts on the sides. Usually the churches were built strictly oriented to the cardinal points - altar to the East, tower to the West.


The Cathedral Church of the Assumption was erected in commemoration of the great Siege of Smolensk in 1609—1611 instead of a previously existed cathedral with the same name.

The church of the Annunciation is a Russian Orthodox Church on Zhitny Yard is an Orthodox Church, which existed on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin, being attached to the Annunciation tower.


It was built by architect Felten deep in the centre of the other buildings, designed by him in 1771.

On the 10th of April 1832 the emperor Nicholas I approved the project of the Temple offered by the architect K.A. Tone. The place for the construction of the Temple of Christ the Savior in memory of the Napoleonic invasion was chosen on the bank of the Moscow river, not so far from the Kremlin. On the 10th of September 1839 the solemn laying of the new Temple took place.

Was built in the spirit of medieval European architecture in 1863-1865 by an architect G.A. Bosse. In 1858, the German reformers received the piece of land for the construction of their church.

Kalyazin is one of the oldest towns on the Volga River, which is known now mostly because of its unusual sightseeing spot — the Flooded Bell Tower. It is all that is left of the Kalyazin Trinity Monastery. The monastery was well-known from the 12th century under the name of Nicholas on Jabnya.

It is a catholic church of the Holy Family (Kirche ‘Zur heiligen Familie’). It was built in 1907. It was designed by an architect Friedrich Heitmann in neo-gothic style. It had a tall church nave, choirs, a massive tower with two pediments and four annexes on the inward corners for sacristy and other rooms. Gothic stepped pediments were used to decorate these cubic forms.

In 1664 there was a little wooden church. In 1667 the church was demolished and replaced by a large wooden church with a pastor’s house and a school. The church was blessed in 1669. In 1670 the land with all three buildings was granted into the ownership of the community by Tsar Aleksey Mikhailovich.

On the 27th of December, 1727, Tsar Peter II of Russia granted land on the Nevsky Prospect to the German Lutheran community. The building of the church was founded on the 29th of June, 1728, on the day of St. Peter and Paul. On the 14th (25th) of June, 1730, on the day of 200th celebration of the Augsburg Confession, the church was solemnly blessed. The building was made of brick and had a wooden turret.

It was founded in the 15 century by the repentant robber called Opta, who accepted after the tonsure the name of Macarius, in 1821 Ioanno-Predtechensky skete was arranged for monks-hermits behind the monastery's grove. Since these days is was used as a kind of religious-philosophical and cultural center. It has been visited by N.V. Gogol and F.M. Dostoevsky, L. Tolstoy.

In the XVIII century the Bogoslovskaya hermitage was founded in the village where there were two churches: stone Assumption Cathedral (built in 1726) and wooden church in the name of John the Theologian.

Architect Friedrich Heitmann built the Church in the memory of Prussian queen Luisa in 1776-1810. It is difficult to define the architectural style of the church. Original it was designed in the Neo-Renaissance style but lately the project was change. Today you can find the Romanesque style and elements of Art Nouveau.

Konigsberg Cathedral was built in brick-gothic style in 1297-1302 by bishop of Samland Siegfried. It is located in Kneiphof  - historical center of Kaliningrad, former Konigsberg. Before the reformation it was metropolitan catholic cathedral. However in 1523 Johann Briesmann gave the first Lutheran sermon in the cathedral.

It was built in  neo gothic style in 1812 by architect Ivan Egotov apprentice of V. Bazhenov and M. Kazakov.

The monastery was founded on 1st of July in 1479 by St. Joseph of Volok.  It placed the greatest library and scriptorium of that time. Architectural complex consists of Cathedral of the Dormition (1689), fratery (1504),  barbican church (1679), the German tower and the corner tower. The tiles were made by Ivan Polubes.

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