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Сemeteries and others

Сфинксам на Университетской набережной около 3,5 тыс. лет. Высеченные из сиенита, они стояли у входа в величественный храм, сооруженный в Египте. Их приобретению Академия художеств Санкт-Петербурга обязана А.Н. Муравьёву, отправившемуся в 1830 году в паломничество по святым местам.

Novodevichy Cemetery  is the most famous cemetery in Moscow. It lies next to the southern wall of the 16th-century Novodevichy Convent, which is the city's third most popular tourist site.

The existing Neorussian revival building facing Komsomolskaya Square was built in 1902–1904 by Fyodor Shechtel. The main departure hall beneath the fairy-tale roof connected directly into the boarding concourse. In 1910, its platforms and concourse were expanded by Lev Kekushev. Two major additions, in 1965–66 and 1995, further expanded station capacity. Currently, the station serves around 300 pairs of trains daily.

Bismarck Tower is a monuments, which were built in honor of the "Iron Chancellor" Otto von Bismarck. In the period from 1869 to 1934 was built around 250 of these towers in different styles. Has survived 175 towers.

Sculptural composition is locked in a battle of two powerful male bison cast a life-size and mounted on a pedestal height.

The project of Schluter and Mattarnovi was brought into life in 1721 on the banks of the Fontanka River. It was a garden pavilion, called Grotto, with columns and a high dome. This pavilion was divided into three sections, each of which had a fountain inside.

The King’s Gate (Königstor) is one of the seven surviving city gates in Kaliningrad. King's Gate were built in the neo-Gothic style, which is expressed in this building most vividly. Brick was used as the material for the gate.

The Monument to Nicholas I is a bronze equestrian monument of Nicholas I of Russia on St Isaac's Square in Saint Petersburg. Unveiled on July 7th 1859, the six-meter statue was a technical wonder of its time. It was the first equestrian statue in Europe with only two support points (the rear hooves of the horse).

In 1841 sculptor Peter Klodt (Baron Peter Klodt von Jurgensburg) made group of bronze horse sculptures. When the sculptures were ready to be installed in 1842, they were granted by the order of Nickolas I of Russia to Frederick William IV of Prussia. 

Smolensky Cemetery is the oldest continuously operating cemetery in

St. Petersburg, Russia. It occupies a rectangular parcel in the western part of Vasilievsky Island, on the bank of he small Smolenka River, and is divided

into the Orthodox, Lutheran and Armenian sections.


The Brandenburg Gate (Brandenburger Tor) is one of the seven surviving gates of the city of Kaliningrad. The Brandenburg Gate was built in Königsberg in 1657 in the south- western portion of the First rampart fortification located at its intersection with the road leading to the castle Brandenburg.

The cemetery was founded in 1771 during the outbreak of plague. Originally only the Lutherans and Roman Catholics were buried at the cemetery, and this is why it was called heterodox.

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